πŸ“š node [[why walkable cities are good for the economy according to a city planner]]
  • Author:: [[Aditi Shrikant]]
  • Full Title:: Why Walkable Cities Are Good for the Economy, According to a City Planner
  • Category:: [[articles]]
  • URL:: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2018/10/26/18025000/walkable-city-walk-score-economy
  • Highlights first synced by [[readwise]] [[September 2nd, 2020]]

    • One of the biggest reasons many cities aren’t walkable is because land is dissected into β€œuses,” something called β€œsingle-use zoning”: Retail cannot be next to a medical office cannot be next a single-family home cannot be next to a multi-family home. So in order for a person to get lunch, go to the doctor, and then buy a birthday present, they have to travel to three different β€œzones,” and can only do so efficiently by car. This may have been helpful in the 19th century when homes needed to be far away from factories emitting toxic fumes, but today it makes less sense. The solution: Cities should adopt regulations that allow land to be multi-use, such as in the mixed-use developments that dot the sprawling landscape of many American suburbs and cities.
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